World News
World News provides a fast and an easy way to read the latest news from all around the world. Save your time by reading multiple news sources using one app.★★★ Please rate the app if you like it. ☆☆☆ Thank you for your support and trust :) Please contact us for any news source you think we should add.Features:✓ List/grid views✓ Swipe to read next article✓ Add widget for news source✓ Select news sources✓ Download wifi only✓ Explore news feeds✓ Subscribe to RSS feeds✓ Offline reading✓ Share the article on Twitter, WhatsApp, Facebook or e-mail✓ Favourite news to read later✓ Control update interval✓ Download using wifi only✓ Notifications for new updates
نظرات شما عزیزان:
+ نوشته شده در 1 دی 1395 ساعت 14:58 توسط سجاد
| تعداد بازديد : 151